Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Same Thing Happens Everyday

The same thing happens everyday. Each morning, Logan calls to wake me up and I usually say "Thank you honey,I'm awake." I then hang up and procede to go back to sleep :). Then on his way to work he calls again...and I immediatly shoot up and answer in the most peppy (non-asleep voice possible)...I'm trying to make him think I have been wide awake since his first call! (I don't know if he falls for it or guess is he knows the truth..but doesn't let really he's probably beating me at my own game.) Anyways, I dart out of bed and take a shower and start to get ready. Sometime between my hair and make up..I usually GET BACK IN BED! I have no clue what my problem is. I have done this routine since college. I am an adult now..and adults are not supposed to behave like this. I hate waking up...moring is like torture for me. I've been reading several blogs of my friends who are moms and I think....How do they do it??? They get 2 hours of sleep and the kids come in and jump on them at 6 am ready for breakfast and to play! Right's just me, myself and I ...(and of course Bentley). I don't know how they do it! I have so much respect for these sleep deprived moms. All I can say (when that day come for me) is ....GOOD LUCK HALEIGH. I'm sure I'm not the only person who has a snoozing problem.....but some days I feel like I've got an illness or my brain produces to much of something and it literally makes it physically impossible to rise and shine! I really hope that I'm not the only adult who does this !

Happy Snoozing!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thank you Lord

Today I was driving to work and I was praying. I had my friend Becca on my heart....and her sweet nephew that needs our prayers. I was asking the Lord for protection of the baby and for the hearts of the parents....and I began to think about how all things are in God's hands ..even the the unimaginable...the events that seem so unfair. My prayer then turned to my own unimaginable...and my normal daily prayer for strength, peace, the feeling of securiy and for the Lord to remove my spirt of fear (which so often engulfs me)....became a prayer of thanksgiving. I began saying thank you to God for all He was and all He did during last May and in the months to come. I prayed "Thank you Lord for protecting my life and protecting me from worse injuries than those I endured. Thank you Lord for the amazing detectives who showed up and took on my case...for their relentless search and not giving up. Thank you Lord for my prosecutor and her amazing assistant; such a blessing to be working with amazing women. Thank you Lord for a man who loves me and helps me through my daily struggle of being scared. Thank you Lord for a family who loves and supports me. Thank you Lord for friends who have never stopped praying and surrounded me with love and gifts of flowers, letters, meals and their presence in my home for weeks after the attack. Thank you Lord for the fact that this horrible man is and has been in jail for almost a year and his bail has remained at $2 million and not dropped or lowered. Thank you Lord for the bravery of one woman...who came forward and gave us info that we needed to find this monster. Thank you Lord for the man who came to my rescue and called the police as my attacker drug me through the yard to his car. Thank you Lord for giving me the strength to find a way to see the positive in this situation..when I am so often weighed down by the negative. Thank you Lord for the doctor who cured my dizziness (vertigo) due to my head injuries and all the doctors and nurses that night in the ER. Thank you Lord for doctor friends who met us that night at the ER and greeted us at the car with a wheel chair and got us right in (knowing that I couldn't walk). Thank you Lord for the friends who met in the waiting room in the ER and prayed with my family all night. Thank you Lord for the kind nurse that held my hand as she collected DNA from my body that night. Thank you Lord for letting me meet a woman who too was brutally attacked...I was reading her book and and angel (friend) gave me her phone number...what an amazing feeling to be able to talk on the phone, on a regualr basis to the auther of the book you are reading. I am pleased to call Rosemary Tribble my friend...and I am thankful for her honesty in sharing her story with countless women.
A lot of thank you's right? As I said each "Thank you Lord" heart had this great feeling of joy come over it. I have thanked God throughout these months for each blessing, but I have never thanked him for all of them at once. I was overwhelmed by His sovereignty. He has never left me nor forsaken me..He has been there through it all.....and He always is for us. I was so happy after saying all my thank you's ...and I felt so blessed. It was very uplifting. The day I go into court for Jury Trial...I am going to get on my knees and say thank you for everything all over again....I believe in my heart that it will bring me so much peace to say those words again.
When I got to daily devotional was quite appropriate....funny how God's timing is impecable.

"Sometimes, people get distracted by what they consider to be a disadvantage or weakness in their lives. It may be something about their personality or looks that they don’t like. Or maybe they’ve been through an unfair situation: a divorce, a bad business deal or a bad break. We all have things that can feel like disadvantages; things that make it harder on us. It may even be a physical handicap, and you can’t get around like you used to. But just because you have a “disadvantage,” just because you’ve been through a tough time doesn’t mean you’re supposed to sit back and settle where you are. God still has something great for you to do! He wants to show Himself strong in and through you, and He’s given you His Holy Spirit to equip you in this life.
Today let the Holy Spirit help you when you feel weak. Let Him empower you with truth that will set you free. Stay in faith and don’t get negative toward yourself or your future. Let God take what you think is a liability and turn it into an asset! Let Him take what you think is a disadvantage and turn it around to be an advantage! Remember, you are more than a conqueror today and every day because He is strong in you!" (Joel and Victoria Osteen)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Home Sweet Home

What is it about French Decor that makes me so happy? If I were to describe my home decor style.....I would say that it is French Country with elegant twists. There is nothing simple about my style...I wish there was! I'd love to put a vase on a table with a lamp and be done (the modern approach) ...but it's just not me! I like simplicity in the day to day things and organization of the clutter...but I like my home to be full of life...and very eclectic. I want it to tell a story...not only my style...but of my life. Whether it's by the pictures that are in the frames of our special memories, or the vintage vase or teacup (that was my grandmothers) or even the painting that my mom painted for me when I was graduationg from the 6th grade at church. All the things that we have spent time collecting through the years....are usually those that we want on display. They tell a story....where we've been, what we've experienced and what we want to always remember. French decor gives me that feels vintage and chic all the while giving you that "Welcome Home" statement. I love it! It will take me years to get my future home exactly as I want it....but I love that. I love that it's a process...and the decor that makes it up was not selceted by one quick run through at I-O Metro.....It was a lifetime of memories, that rare find at an antique store, that hand me down piece of furniture that I painted 3 different times...and of course those heart throbs that I usually find at Cobblestone and Vine or Vivid in Little Rock! I enjoy the process.....and the hunt! It makes your home have a story! I enjoy walking into someone else's home and seeing their story...I can appreciate every style of decor for what it means to that person. I've included several "french " inspired photos that sum me up in my style....I even like to eat makes me happy! (I know the french fri is not technically french....but a large McDonalds french fri on occasion (dipped in Hot Mustard) that will make me smile too!

Friday, March 18, 2011


I am preparing myself for my HUGE project that lies ahead! I am slowly trying to get things ready for Logan's house so that when we get married...and I finally get to move in....I won't be so overwhelmed. Moving and settling takes enough time by I thought if I work on my list of house to do's gradually ...maybe...just maybe... most of it will be finished by August 6th!

My biggest task it to distress and paint numerous pieces of furniture. I have 2 coffee tables, a bed, a dresser, kitchen tables and chairs, a side table and a china cabinet...all need paint and a few of them will be distressed. It makes me tired just thinking about it. But I know how happy I will be to see them finished...they all have so much potential...and with a little paint, sandpaper and hammering.....they will become the pieces that make up our home! I have started fabric shopping......and I could spend all day wandering around the fabric store....I am in heaven when I'm there! Unfortunately...I'm also on a I am being selective on what piece of furniture gets a make-over each month! This weekend I selected fabric for the dining room chairs!!! I am so so excited about this! I also bought fabric for the shower curtain (for the guest bathroom.) I felt excited to get those two things purchased.....I have a long list of things that could use some pretty will probably be the curtains for the dining room and family room (that will have to wait a month or two) :( I am in love with Anthropology's knobs.....they make me smile! It's like jewelry for furniture! I am in the process of selecting knobs for our future dresser and my china cabinet (which was Logan's Mamaws). I will try to post before and after pictures of each piece as I go.......but for now I have posted a few of my inspiration pics!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

No more News

I have figured out slowly but surely that I do not like to listen to or watch the local news anymore. It seems like every time I turn it on I hear the one thing I don't want to hear....about all the people who do the things that make scared. I enjoy being up to speed about what is going on in our country and I believe as a citizen...we owe it to ourselves to be educated on the issues of our world. I have decided for Haleigh Millwee though...the local things that go on around me...are no longer for my ears. Don't get me wrong...I love hearing about the good others are doing and a sweet story....but I think if I hear about one more wrongful death or one more missing woman or child...It may send me over the top. I know that my personal incident has effected my life and changed me forever....but it's just here lately that the news really gets under my skin. It's gotten to the point that I have to leave the room if it is on. Maybe it's my way of protecting myself and my thoughts. So often during the day thoughts are about my safety, my fears, memories of the way my life was before. Here's a peak into my random mind: I've just gotten back to wear I'm working out hard..doing two a days and really watching what I put in my mouth....and it hit me...I'm exactly where I was fitness wise..last May...right before my attack. See I had been doing two a day work outs the month leading up to my attack....and I was in the best shape I'd ever been in....I often joke that I was preparing for swimsuit season..but the Lord was preparing me to fight for my life. All that to's just weird...weird to be back where I was....I feel exactly like I did before everything......and that scares me. I don't want to ever live that again...and I guess I am getting closer to the one year mark...and I've been thinking about everything more than normal. It could have something to do with the fact that trial is soon..very soon. I am preparing myself for those big days in April....and leaning on the Lord more than ever. I know that I do not usually blog about what happened on May 16th...but for the next month or so may be the topic of conversation. I find that it helps me to blog about my keeps me from hiding from them and brings everything to the surface. I am blessed beyond words to have such a great support system. I am surrounded by people who love me and are praying unceasingly until this man is brought to justice...I am thankful! Thankful for a sovereign God, wonderful family and friends and one great Prosecutor....I couldn't ask for more! For now...I am praying all throughout my day, memorizing scripture and not watching the news :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Baby Girl Post

I am super duper excited friend Maegen is having a baby girl! Laney Grace Post is due on June 24th...and I get to be her god -mother!!! Do you know what this does for my heart? Pitter Patter ..Pitter Patter!!! LOVE!!! I can't wait to be involved in sweet little Laney's life! I am hosting a shower for Maegen in I have been really busy planning that and checking things off my list. I'm slightly bummed because I'm hosting the shower at Logan's house...(Which I love)....I just wish I was already living there the house could be "Haleigh Ready" know decor in tact! Right now it still "Logan Style" and it just doesn't suit me for a shower for a baby girl! I am thankful to have a place to host.....I sound ungrateful and I am not! Maybe I could hang some pearls and a tutu on the many deer that will be watching us from their mount on the wall at the shower! What do you think? ha! back to Laney.....Laney's killing me...I MEAN KILLING ME....she doesn't love the girly girly know that ruffles, lace, ginormous bows, the tutu's...PINK...etc.......a little goes a long way with Maegen..and I'm like the bigger and pinker that better! I've had to tone down my shopping spree's for Miss L...because I want her mommy to be excited when she opens her gifts....but I think when Laney comes to Aunt Barbie's house to play...we may pull out the pink tutu's and not tell :) Oh FYI..that's what Laney is going to call me ..."Aunt Barbie"...Aunt Haleigh is too boring...oh ..and Logan is "Uncle Bubba"......if you know anything about me and Logan...then you know how PERFECTLY these nicknames suit us! Yay for Showers, Yay for god-daughters and yay for PINK......just wish Laney would hurry up and get here so we can play!

Happy Wednesday!