Friday, June 24, 2011


I have some major favorites this week!!!

First off, I always thought that my skin care products were fine. I thought I loved my moisurizer....boy was I wrong! After reading several blogs that rave about Erno Laszlo... I had to try for myself. I went into Glo one day and asked for samples. I've always had very sensitive skin and I didn't want to spend $90 or more on a product that would irritate my skin or cause it to do something weird. Well, i fell in LOVE and now I don't think there is any going back!

My new favorite moisturizer is : Erno Laszlo Phelityl Cream
My skin has never benn smoother and softer. It smells amazing and I feel so pampered when I get in bed each night. I use it in the morning too...but there is somethign about applying this to clean face and then getting in makeup...It's THE BEST FEELING!!!
I am in the process of trying out their face soaps. I love how clean my skin feels (squeaky)after I use them but not sure which is best for my skin type yet!

Next Favorite:
Origins Peace of Mind: on spot relief!

This is so helps my headaches so much. I pretty much have a headache every other day. Sometimes Migrane, sometimes sinus, somethimes tension...I just never know! I've learne for the most part to just power though and not let effect everyday life...but this little miracle in a bottle is AMAZING! I like to rub it on my temples and on my earlopes and on the back of my neck. It really feels like it massages the headache right out! Only $10 so this one will not break the bank!

Last favorite of the day:
C.O. Bigalow Rose Bud Salve!
This is something I found out about in Instyle Magazine. They were featuring Sarah Jessica Parker: and Items she can't live without. This was on her list! Ususally I look at top celeb picks and they cost about $250-$400 a bottle and I have to just roll my eyes and say "I wish". But not this time. This wonderful stuff only costs $6.00! I use on my lips, on my cuticles, under my eyes...anywhere that needs extra moisture! It is the best chapstick/lipbalm/salve ever!

Okay...I know I said that was the last favorite but here's one more...(It is sooo not healthy)..but I love Kettle Cooked Salt and Vinegar Chips! LOVE LOVE LOVE! I only buy a small bag every 2 months or so.....but when I do ..I savor every bite! usually I eat pretzels or baked chips..but sometimes I have to cheat and have the real deal!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Just felt like writing a bunch of randoms specific topic.

Yesterday was Wednesday and it was really busy. Usually that's the day at work that we get a little peace a quiet....but not yesterday. I have mixed feelings about busy days. On one end, I love them because it makes the day fly by and I really enjoy our customers; however, on the other can make me crazy because there is no time to finish anything...just start a bunch of things that will have to be followed up on later. I like to complete tasks ...not leave them hanging. Yesterday afternoon was so crazy that I thought...if my phone rings one more time ..I may just pull it out of the wall. (I wouldn't really...but the thought crossed my mind :)

I haven't been super hungry at all lately. I think it can be due to one of two things:
#2. God finally answered my prayer of "Please make me not hungry and not like food anymore. (haha)

Either way...NO APPETITE. That is until yesterday. Someone at the office brought in ribs that her husband smoked.....and OMGosh, they were amazing! Some of the best ribs I've ever eaten. Apparently he has a smoker trailer and does this a lot. I'm officailly getting on his list to get my Thanksgiving Turkey smoked...He does this as well...and when I found out about that...I wanted to get signed up immediatly. Thanksgiving Turkey's freak me out...becasue I'm always scared I'm going to mess it up. I joked yesterday with a friend and told her, "I'm not afraid of very many things in the kitchen…..but Thomas THE Turkey is one that I don’t like. I’m always scared to ruin the biggest part of the thanksgiving meal…and you know people talk about your turkey skills (it was too had no flavor…Heck I do…if I don’t’ like it.) Heaven forbid I not cook it all the way or it be frozen still and everyone break a tooth or die of food poisoning." A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders! I may never have to cook a thanksgiving turkey!

After work, I picked Yogi up from the groomer. Logan called and said he had to work late and couldn't get to him in time. I got Logan's truck because there is no way I'd attempt to put Yogi in my car. When I got him he looked so nice and clean. They shaved our Polar Bear for the summer and he looked more like a white lab than a white Golden Retreiver! I walked him out to the truck and all of a sudden remembered that Yogi won't jump in the back ...he will only jump down. Logan always has to lift him up there. I looked at Yogi and then glanced down at myself (wearing a strapless maxi dress, wedges)...and thought well I guess we will just have to do this anyways; despite my attire. So I put his giant feet up on the tailgate and began to try to lift him into the truck. Needless to say it didnt work .I couldnt even get his feet off the ground (HE IS THAT HEAVY..NO LIE) I used all my stength and couldnt do it. I really didn't have a solution except to just keep trying. Finally a lady in the parking lot said she'd help me. She was much more masculine and looked like she could snap me and Yogi in half. She got the job done...and I of course was quite grateful. I can only imagine what her thought was in her head looking at me baby talking this Moose of a dog into the back of the truck. Oh least I'm not still standing there.

We ended the day by going to our friends house for dinner. I was exhausted and it was perfect to just sit a relax. I love going to Mary and James'. Mary won't let you lift a finger and you'll lose an arm if you try to help clean up. She is the sweetest hostess and a wonderful cook. She made the perfect summer meal and we stayed over way to late talking (as always!) I love the sweet friends we have made in NWA. It is such a blessing!

Monday, June 6, 2011


I am getting married in exactly two months! Needless to say marriage...and all that it entails has been on the forefront of my mind lately. I've been digging deeper and deeper for what makes a marriage good. We live in a world that tries to live it up and look great on the outside...when in all honestly the inside is falling apart. We all have done this in different aspects of our lives at one time or another but I am refusing to do this with my marriage. I don't ever want to let it get to a point where we are just "acting". My love for Logan is so strong and everyday it gets stronger. I want to be as in love with him 10 years from now as I am today. (If not more). We have been going to Pre-Marital Counceling at the church and it has been the best process. We love going; we get so much out of it. What I walked away with yesterday was HOW HARD MARRIAGE REALLY IS. None of our sessions are negative..but the pastor is just brutally honest. Marriage is VERY hard work. Lucky for Logan...I will work hard everyday for the rest of my life! (and I know he will do the same,) I started thinking back on the old tradition of the Bride on her wedding day. "Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue."

Each verse refers to a good luck item:

I do not believe in luck, but I do believe in blessings and in God's love and wisdom shown through others. I love this tradition.

Something Old: represents someone before you who had a beautiful marraige (HARD, but Beautiful because of the strength they had a couple to endure, even through the rough times.)

Something New: representing the new, exciting time of your life. The new journey of following your heart and the path God has for you as a couple.

Something Borrowed: Representing the "borrowed" item...but much more than that. It is almost as if you are borrowing from that person...their years of wisdom; Their secret to a good, healthy marriage. I feel that I will be borrowing all my life. I will be seeking out women who love the Lord and who strive to please Him by loving their husband and honoring him by being a godly wife. (This is my favorite verse out of the four....there are so many women who can teach us from their experience...if we just let them. )

Something Blue: Honors the old special and so true.

I am so ready to be Logan's Bride; to walk down that aisle and see only him..waiting for me. I have been in prayer to prepare my heart for the words I will say on that day. I take the vows and the promises so seriosuly ...I want to think about each one of them and how I will honor it in my thoughts, words and actions.

Today the focal point is "Something Borrowed". Feel free to comment, send and e-mail etc. of your marriage advice that you can lend me and let me borrow for my upcoming marraige. I want to know what you've learned. I will write it on my heart and apply it to my role as a wife!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011


I know that we are probably supposed to blog about how pleasant we are or how we don't ever get mad..blah blah blah. Not today. I'm human. I'm mean at times. I can tell it like it is and not bat an eyelash. Is this a flaw? Quite possibly. Am I ashamed of it? Not usually. Is it innappropriate sometimes? Well, yes. Is it necessary at other times? Uh. YEAH. Hence why I don't feel ashamed to defend myself or others for that matter. Some people have never heard the word no in their life; and sometimes they need to. Everyone has always been scared to hurt their feelings or step on some toes...well not this someone.
I've never had a problem saying "NO." Even when I was little. I love to say "Yes"'s fun to say it and I like to make others happy. If you need me..I will be there in a heartbeat. Loving and helping is what I do best. HOWEVER, I learned early on in my life ..that if you spread yourself too thin, let others walk on you, or let people get away with murder....then you'll have an unpleasant life. Who wants that? Things can be prevented (ie. awkward situations, overbooking, stress) by just one simple word: "NO" or if you are feeling nice three simple words: "NO THANK YOU".
I have a guilt complex about a lot of stuff...I say "I'm sorry" more than anyone you'll ever meet...I'll say sorry even if I'm not the one who is wrong. (Harmonizer). I just don't have a guilt complex about N.O. I think that if you enable people to treat you a certain way....nothing will stop them the next time. (If you give a mouse and cookie, he'll want some milk to go with it: if you give a moose a muffin, he'll want some jam to go with it) get my drift! HELLO!! THERE IS A REASON AN AUTHOR WROTE THOSE AS CHILDRENS BOOKS! To teach us at an early not let people take advantage of you, be rude to you, ETC. Give (inconsiderate people) an inch..they'll take a mile. I've learned really quick in my life who I can roll out the welcome mat to and who I need to be cautious around. I have a sweet sweet friend who sometimes gets flustered becasue she say's "Yes" to A LOT OF STUFF. and at the end of the day she is so tired and frazzled. She used to ask me; how do you manage you're time so well....Simple answer; "I learned to say No." Give it as a gift to yourself. Don't overuse it or it will lose it's effect. But DO IT ...PLEASE! It will change your life! :) Happy Friday!

OH and P.S. Friday Favorite:
Wee Brie Cheese (can find it in the gourmet food section). YUMMO! Have eaten it with crackers and grapes ..everyday this week for lunch! My new fav!