Sunday, November 20, 2011


I'm sitting in bed this morning thinking. I feel so many tugs at me and my heart...and it provokes the thought of not having time. I feel everyday, the spiritual warfare around me. It is so easy to not realize that it exists because we can't see it; but I know it's there. Ever since May 16, 2010 it's like my senses have been hightened and I can feel things in the spiritual world that I never took the time to notice before.

Back to to topic of time. Take a moment and look around. Listen to the conversations of others and even listen to your own. What are they about? Most of the time about life, money and houses, jobs, cars, bills, things we WANT! (Especially around this time of year). And what I hear myself saying and others saying the most is, "I just don't have the time." or "I just need a few more hours in the day." If you stop to think about what is taking up your is all so important. It's ususally work, spouses, children, committments, taking care of what you've been given and creating a life and home that is "welcoming". All important and all needing attention. The problem is it all takes time.....THAT SEEMS TO BE SLIPPING THROUGH MY FINGERS. I feel that just like everyone else...I'm always thinking in my mind what my next...(you fill in the blank)It could be purchase for my home or Party I will host or even worse WHAT CHORES DO WE HAVE TO DO TO MAINTAIN OUR DOMAIN??? Part of that is just me...I enjoy making things pretty and bringing something to it's fullest potential.It's part of my soul. I will never stop trying to improve my home or thinking what else will make a room complete (the decorator in me). There reaches a point though that you just stop. The point where I am today. My usual want for more...has stopped. (It may only be brief, but it has.) This morning I find myself wanting less. I feel that if I had less to take care of, then I'd have more time. To be honest, I'm craving time. Time to enjoy life and not feel enslaved to a TO DO LIST, time with the Lord (not just personal quiet time and prayer...but deep meaningful time to study His word without interruption), Time with my husband that isn't distracted by a phone call or laundry or dishes that have to be done, time to enjoy all the things we work so hard for. I find myself wanting LESS! Less to take care of, less to worry about, less to check off of my never ending list. This is not because I'm not grateful for all that we have....I am beyond grateful for all the Lord has provided and it won't be long before I'm back to my human ways of Want, Want, Want. But here, now, in this moment, I want less of this world and more of the spiritual world we were created for.

I feel enslaved by our earthly home somedays. I can feel the warfare going on around me....and I am far more mindful than ever of the things that take up my time. Again, time away from what' most important. I feel that satan looks for every way possible to disract us and he steals our time. Time that I am so desperatley fighting to gain back and I feel I am never successful. I feel the guilt and the agony over it knawing away at my heart....and I know that as life continues it only gets harder. Add children to your family, age, illness, more money which will equal more to take care of. I feel it coming and it worries me.

I can feel God saying, "Give it to me, Listen to me, and Slow down. All of this I have given to you, but don't let it take over. Give it back, share it and if it all went away tomorrow, know that none of it would matter. What matters is who did you love? Who's day did you make better? Did you stop to make a meal for a family in need? Did you take the time to pray for someone hurting? Did you choose not to answer a call so that you could spend more time with the person sitting in front of you? Did you turn off your favorite show and pull out MY WORD and talk to me? What you accomplish is important, working hard is important and taking care of what you've been given builds great character. But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if you cooked the perfect meal, or if your laundry is folded and put away, or if you finally got that china cabinet and that bedroom painted, or that the dog was groomed and all of your thank you notes are written and your house is spottless. What matters is TIME, the TIME you gave to what really needed your attention. Did you take the time to show My love to others?"

I feel God telling me this as if we are having a face to face conversation. I'm in tears because I can feel the war around me...and I know it is a battle I will be fighting all my life. I pray to always be mindful of how I am spending my time and am I spending it ways that please God? Am I touching a life and helping a friend instead of making my life "perfect" and I spending quality time with my husband instead of shopping or asking him to do more? All the while growing closer to the Lord.

This life is so fast, over in a blink of an eye. Time does not exist unless we consciously create it.

Oh Lord, give me the heart to make time for all that is truely important and not on meaningless tasks and unfulfilling ventures. Let me be able to stop and step away, to examine my life from the outside and to know when I need to re-evaluate priorities. Let me always remember that "to whom much is given, much is required." I ask for you to make me mindfully aware of why I am here and to always see beyond the "here and now". To love others as you have loved us, to share our blessings and to teach others about you, to love those in our lives that so richly invest in ours daily and to know you more and more, because at the end of the day.....that is all that matters. Please give me the gift of time unwasted.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Ok...So This is Friday and not Wednesday..I'm well aware...but I have had this silly thing typed up since Wedneday and forgot to I'm posting a Wifey Wednesday on a Friday! :)
Logan's Birthday fell on the day before Thanksgiving this year and since I was hosting Thanksgiving this year, I decided to not have the normal cookout/birthday party at home like I have for him in years past!

Usually I use this day to post about a new recipe or something creative, or a new project I've done....but the whole reason I have a "Wifey" post at all is because I'm married to a beautiful, sweet, giving and amazing man! So my post is about him tonight and how much I love him! Logan is always putting others first. He will be there to help in a heatbeat and he is always doing so much for me! I can make a honey-do list (that I think would take someone 3 weeks) and Logan will do it all in 2 days! He sets aside his list just to check off mine! So it was so nice to be able to stop...and just celebrate him! We had his "early Birthday party" at one of our favorite restaurants "Speidini's" in Fayeteville! All of our friends came to celebrate with us and as always,we had the best time! We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends in NWA...I am so thankful!

Above are some pictures that recapture that evening!
Happy Birthday Logan Cory!!! I sure do love you! (better late than never)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Saying Thank you

I had a very exciting evening Tuesday night! I had gotten home and Logan and I were doing our normal weeknight activites: dinner, laundry, unpacking more boxes (YES, I"M STILL GOING THROUGH BOXES, DON"T JUDGE) and he reminded me that someone had sent a wedding gift that was in a box by the back door and we needed to go open it! So he opened this large box and started to pull out what was inside and my heart stopped! Inside was the most beautiful Kitchen Aid Mixer off my registry! Some sweet friends of our family had sent it to us as a Congratulations gift and I was so shocked and excited that it made me cry! Made my whole week(or Year really)! I happily found it a spot in my kitchen and tucked it in bed and kissed it goodnight (I'm only kidding, but you know how it is when you get something can hardly stand it because you are too excited !) So I went to bed and then it hit me and my mind began to race. I started thinking about what a nice gift we had been given, and then I started thinking about our parents. My mom and Dad bought their Kitchen Aid mixer a few years ago and Logan' mom got hers 2 Christmas' ago. Here I am at 25 and I already have mine! I began to feel so guilty, because our sweet moms cooked for their familiy everynight and made every birthday cake and catered to our every requests! They deserved to get this way before I did..and yet they waited! I then started to think about all our parents have done for us through our whole lives and I began to look around and the things we have. Some of them are because of our hard work, but some are because we have parents who love us and wanted to give us the best life possible! They give us furniture or buy us "just because" gifts and I look at mine and Logan's life and think.."How did we get here, to be so blessed?" It makes me cry to think how easy we have it...I am so undeserving of all I have been given, and so incredibly humbled! Our parents, lived in tiny rent houses that had the washer and dryer on the back porch and had one car and rode the bus to work when they were first married! And now I'm crying again because we don't know that kind of life. God has blessed us so much and our parents worked so hard so that we wouldn't have to sacrifice the way they did. It breaks my heart to think about how hard they worked to put me in private school, for my mom to stay home with us and how we never wanted for anything AT ALL! Honestly, I could go on and on about all our parents have done for us and continue to do! They never stop loving, they never stop giving and they never stop encouraging!
Take a moment and say "Thank you" to your parents for all they do and for the life they have provided to us! If you just stop and think for a few moments about all they have done for will realize just how much they have given of themselves, their times, their money and their hearts! (and then you will cry again because it will touch you so much!)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I have been cooking a lot lately and My 3 favorite things I've made are:

1. Skinny Chicken Parmesean
2. Sweet Potato Squares with Lemon-Garlic Mayonaise
3. Baguette French Toast and Oven Fried Bacon

Today I will share one recipe:

Skinny Chicken Parmesean (I stole off the blog "The Girl Who at Everything") I loved this recipe and Logan did too!

Skinny Chicken Parmesan
adapted slightly from Skinny Taste

4 (8 oz) chicken breast halves, sliced in half
3/4 cup seasoned breadcrumbs
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon Italian seasonings
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 tbsp butter, melted
3/4 cup reduced fat mozzarella cheese
1 cup marinara sauce
cooking spray

Preheat oven to 450°. Line a large baking sheet with foil and spray lightly with cooking spray.

Combine breadcrumbs, Parmesan cheese, garlic powder, and Italian seasonings in a shallow bowl. Melt the butter in another bowl. Lightly brush the butter onto the chicken, then dip into breadcrumb mixture. Place on baking sheet and repeat with the remaining chicken.

Lightly spray chicken with a little more cooking spray (this makes it crispy) and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Remove from oven, spoon sauce over chicken and top with shredded cheese. Bake 5 more minutes or until cheese is melted and chicken is done. Serve over whole wheat spaghetti or with a salad.

Makes 8 servings. 225 calories per serving (4 ounce breast)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


This is my only post this week....but Friday Favorites are always fun to talk about!

Friday Favorite #1:
THIS GORGEOUS FALL WEATHER! I love when the temps drop to the 50's and 60's! It's perfect! It makes me want to make hot chocolate, bake pumpkin bread and apple muffins and wrap up on the porch in a big blanket! I'm a dork I know....but those things make me happy and get me in the fall mood!

Friday Favorite #2:
Go Smile toothpaste! This is the best toothpaste I've ever used.You can buy it at Sephora or I'm sure may come across it at a discount on some sites! MY favorite is the morning(energy) and night (tranquility) flavors. They are made to make your teeth really white! It is $30 for the pack. I know...$30 for toothpaste is a little silly....but trust me once you try will be spoiled and not want to give it up! Don't get me wrong...I still buy Crest with scope and use it from time to time, but Go Smile is a nice treat for your teeth and your mouth! Originally these were something Logan ordered for himself....but I kinda took them over when I decided to try out his toothpaste selection one day! I've ended up using them more than he gets to...oops! I should probably order him some more to make it up to him...but I'm sure the same thing will happen again...I'd just use them all up again! haha

Friday Favorite #3:
Ferneau Seasoning

Those of you who are from or live in Little Rock...know about the famous Restraunt and Bar called Ferneau (in Hillcrest.) Donnie Ferneau is a well known Little Rock Chef and Restaurant owner....and he bottles and sells one of his secret ingredients (His Seasoning!) I use this for so many things while cooking. I use it on chicken before I grill it...I've used it on Tilapia...and my favorite way to use on veggies when I grill them or saute them! You can buy it at Kitchen and Co. in Pleasant Ridge (and it's under $ it's easy on your bank account!)

That wraps up this weeks Friday Fav's!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I'm starting a new thing...Wifey Wednesday's! Basically it is my day to share a household tip, decor idea or recipe!
Honestly....I have nothing for you right now..because we have been SOOOOO BUSY!

In a nutshell, we got back from our honeymoon at midnight on Saturday, found out in the airport that Logan's sweet Granny has cancer and that it is not treatable. Granny is now home with hospice and not doing well. We have been over at his mom's almost everynight since we have been back...usually until about 10:30 or so each night. I have not been home to do anything (cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc). None of it has happend this week, except for last night!

I took a break and stayed home to unpack and clean because we have company coming Friday. In the middle of my very productive evening..I broke my toe! (Just the baby one...but it's a big deal, because it's black and blue and it hurts really bad...and I'm limping around like crazy! To be honest, I had a horrible day yesterday and had already had a really good cry on my way home from by the time I dropped the bed on my toe and broke it..I didnt even cry. I layed on the floor for a some ice...and then after icing it for about 15 minutes...went right back to what I was doing. NOT FUN! Honestly, I just don't have time to be injured; so I'm ignoring it..HA!

Pray for us..and my sanity! It's been a hard several days! Thank goodness for a long weekend! Despite my bad day and husband always follows through! Logan is the best..he came home at 10:30pm (from visiting and helping wiht Granny) and still stayed up for another hour and helped me with the guest room.....he even brought me Guido's pizza because he knew how bad my day was and knows that when I'm cleaning, I forget to eat all together! I apprecaite him so much...he is always taking care of big ways and in small!

So no household or decor tips from this Wifey today....but I did discover a show that I like called Picker Sisters (on Lifetime). I had it on in the backgound last night while I was cleaning! Hopefully next week..I will have something fun to share!!! Sorry this is being posted on Thursday...( I wrote it last night but forgot to publish..oops :)


Friday, August 19, 2011


You know what day it is!!!! Time for Friday Favorites!

I honestly think my favorite thing this week is my cell phone! I have talked to so many of my friends and had the chance to catch up! I have loved it! Since we are all grown up and live in so many different places ..our cell phones are at times our best freinds! We get to talk like we did when we saw each other all the time...and it makes it possible to keep our relationships the same! My girlfreinds are EVERYTHING to me ...and I'm glad I got to catch up with so many this week!

Some other Friday Favorites:

The OPI Gel Manicure that so many nail salons are doing now! It is so wonderful . I feel like we have evolved from the acryllic nail world into a more natural look. I love getting these manicures because they last for 2-3 weeks and they cost the same as a regualr manicure. (adding $7 for a french...which is my normal go to for my nails....unless it's fall and then you know I'll be bringing out the greys, browns and almost blacks... MY FAVORITE!)

Last but not least, I'm really liking "THe Pioneer Woman" Ree Drummund. It is not a way that you should choose too cook everyday ....once a week or once every other week will suit my hips just fine! But I really like her recipes! They are so down to earth and scream Southern! She has a great Cookbook out, AN AMAZING BLOG and she appears on the food network with her new show AUGUST 27th!!! I am so excited about this!!!

I tried one of her recipes this week and it was very good! (better the night I made it then the next day though!)

Recipe for Lemon Basil Pasta:

4 whole Grilled Chicken Breasts, Sliced
1 pound Penne Pasta, Cooked Until Al Dente
1/2 stick Butter
3 whole Lemons, Juiced
3/4 cups Heavy Cream
1/4 cup Half-and-half
1-1/2 cup Grated Parmesan Cheese (or Romano)
Salt And Freshly Ground Black Pepper, To Taste
20 whole Basil Leaves, Chopped
Preparation Instructions
Cook pasta, reserving 1 cup of hot pasta water when you drain. Set pasta aside in a colander.

In the same pot, melt butter over medium heat. Squeeze in the juice of 3 to 4 lemons. Whisk together. Pour in cream and half-and-heat. Whisk until hot. Dump in cheese and whisk until melted. Add salt and pepper. Check consistency, adding some of the hot pasta water to loosen the sauce if needed.

Pour pasta and sauce into a large serving bowl. Sprinkle remaining basil all over the top, then add sliced chicken breasts. Serve immediately!

Happy Friday!!

Friday, August 12, 2011


This is my first friday favorite post since I've ben married!!! YAY!
Well...I have a few favorites this week! (I will be brief because things have been way hectic!)

Favorite #!:
I just love him! He makes me laugh out loud multiple times a day! I've never met someone who really trys to make me smile like he does! I am very happy and I am so blessed to be married to such a loving and kind person! I'm sure there will be weeks where he is not on my Friday Favorite...but let's embarace the weeks that he is :)

Favorite #2:
Tontitown Grape Festival Food:
I tried Spaghetti for the 3rd time in my life last night. I'm so picky about this food...and I have to say Mama Z's provided the fried chicken and spaghetti and I ate it all! It was so good! I kind of want to eat it again tonight. The only thing that is stopping me is knowing that I'm going on my honeymoon really soon...and fried chicken two night in a row may not equal a pretty bikini figure!

Favorite #3
Erica Erck Photography! She was our wedding photogrpaher and she also did my Bridal Portraits. Erica is AMAZING! I loved working with her and honestly would recommend her to everyone! (She takes wonderful family and children portraits too!)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wifey Whoo!

I love being a wife! I just wish that we were settled and not living amongst boxes. To walk in the house all you see if boxes and clothes. i hav laundry everywhere...Folded...but just everywhere in piles. We are in transition and in order for me to put laundry away....I have to move the old dresser out and the new in...but until I do that gets to sit in piles. My clothes are in millions of different bags...and I find getting dressed in the morning is quite the chore. First i have to remember what bag my shoes are in. Then I have to hunt for the dress.....Jewelry is like looking for a needle in a haystack! I'm exhausted just getting ready! ha! CANT WAIT TO GET MOSTLY EVERYTHING SETTLED!

I did cook last night and the night before even with all the chaos! Tuesday night I Made Salmon Croquets with Green Beans and Corn (so exciting I know....not) I honestly looked through the whole pantry and created a meal out of what he had. (I HAVE NOT HAD A SPARE MOMENT TO GO TO THE GROCERY STORE!) Last night I made homemade Quiche and fresh fruit!
We love being newley weds...but are sooooooooooo ready for our honeymoon! It's so weird to go back to work and life instead of jumping straight on a plane and going away! We are so excited though....and it will be here so soon!
Can't wait to blog about the wedding when I have more time!

For now I'm just trying to be the best wife I can! Even though the house is a mess and I'm not unpacked and it's not decorated and the laundry is taking over...I still stop what I'm doing when my husband gets home and make sure I kiss him and listen to him talk about his day...and he does the same for me! I love that connection at the end of the's brief..but it is my favorite 10 just stop and catch up! I love it!

(oh on a differnt note: thought I'd share the Quiche is so mom made it for my family a lot growing up!)


1 (9 inch) pie pastry
1 (10 ounce) spinach thawed and well drained (squeeze dry)
1 (8 ounce pkg. Swiss cheese
2 Tablespoons flour
5 eggs, beaten
1 cup whipping cream
2/3 tsp. salt
Pepper to taste
4 oz. sour cream
5-6 slices cooked ,crumbled bacon

--Cut cheese into strips and toss with flour and set aside
--Combine eggs,whipping cream, salt and pepper, sour cream
--Add spinach and cheese and bacon

Pour into pastry shell
--Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour


Friday, July 22, 2011


Long week.....lot's going time! (Therefore why you are only getting Friday Favorites this week!)

1. Sleep!!! I've needed it lately. My favorite things that help my rem cycles are:
A. My cute microwave snuggle bag. It has corn in it..and you heat it up and the lay it on your back, stomach, neck ....whatever hurts...It's very calming and relaxing! (The neck wraps are awesome too)

B. My Lavendar Sheet Spray by Caldrea
I buy mine in Little Rock and Kitchen and Co. but hey sell this brand at So Inviting too. It smells so good! I usually spritz some in the sheets while i make the bed in the morning. It's super soothing!

C. Arbonne Detox Body Gelee.
One of my best friends, Whitney got me hooked on this stuff. I only use it at night and it is the best! It's not super moisturizing..but it feels so good on your neck, arms legs, and back! It cleanses your body and detoxify's it (if that's even a word) haha! (They also make the detox body soak..which is nice...I dont' do it every night but maybe like once a week or so!!!)

Happy Sleeping and Happy Friday!

Friday, July 15, 2011


Happy Friday! I can't believe we are already 1/2 way through July! This summer has flown by!

I've had kind of an "off" week (due to my back injury). Have not felt much like doing anything (and I actually I can't do anything) so that worked out. It's amazing how when you don't have your back strength how hard it is to blow dry your hair, do your hair, shave your legs, and stand for any long period of time. I've been pretty useless this week. Luckily I have not had any face to face client work..(all been over the phone) this whole not poofed hair and lack of make-up hasn't been a huge deal...and I could get away with it this week! Which leads me to

Friday Favorite #1:

Wearing no makeup.
I LOVE makeup...Love to play and try new things, love to stick to my old tride and true products and just LOVE LOVE LOVE to wear it! Super fun. But honestly, when you get a day or two (or 5 in my case) where you don't wear it...It's a nice treat. Let your skin breath a little on a day that it doesn't matter...It's refreshing!!!

Friday Favorite #2:

Summer Garden Veggies.
Logan made the most amazing garden this year. It is huge!!!! There are rows of Squash, zuccini, cucumbers, habanaro peppers, jalapeno peppers, bell peppers, cherry tomoatos, better boy tomatoes, okra, corn, radishes, watermelon and cantelope! So fun and it has done amazing. I hate that I don't have any pics uploaded ..but by the end of the summer I will post some. It has been so plentiful that we've been giving away veggies like crazy because we can't eat them fast enough! I have not helped at all with the planting or watering or anything this yaer. I have gone out and picked a few....but he gets all the credit! There is somehting rewarding about eating something that you planted with your own hands (or in my case Logan planted:) It just tastes better!
I love cutting up squash and zuccini, then soaking in an egg and milk and then shaking in a bag of 1/2 cornmeal, 1/2 flour with garlic powder, pepper and onion salt. YUM! after you sautee them in veg oil then lightly sprinkle with onion salt again.
I also like cutting up the baby cucumbers from the garden, chopping some green onion and cutting cherry tomoatoes in half...then mixing in a bowl some white vinegar, sugar and salt and pepper and a splash of veg oil. No measurements...I just keep mixing until it taste good. Then pour over the veggies and let sit in good! Perfect with burgers, grilled fish or just some chicken! Very Very Summery! (you can also throw some dranied corn in there for some color and added sweetness)

Friday Favorite #3:

Time with God. I have enjoyed just being still and talking to God. I always enjoy it but this week I've soaked it up! I love my Heavenly Father so much...and it is the best feeling to just have someone in your life that hears every thought, knows every fear and loves you unconditionally!

Happy Friday; I hope you all have a blessed weekend!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I am exhausted! I never knew planning a wedding/ trying to slowly unpack and move things from one house to another could be so exhausting (oh and working full time while doing both of those.) I'm tired..that's all i can say! I need a break...but there is really not time. Logan is on his way to Florida to meet his family and I am off to stay with some of my sweet friends until everyone returns home! the good news is: Mary is the BEST hostess ever..and I know I will get to rest and slow down a little! (minor note: i've injured my back somehow...not sure if I just slept wrong or pulled a muscle or what...but needless to say it's BAD.) so bad in fact, that I cried ALL night on Monday...couldn't sleep was just miserable because I was in so much pain. Found the greatest chiropractor who advised me that my minor pulled muscle mixed with my mild scoliosis and my back injuries from the attack = the worst pain ever! No wonder I cant stand up straight and cry constantly about my back hurting! Anyways, he is helping me get back on track and hopefully in the net few days I will be good as new!!! I'm praying that i am because with a wedding in 3 weeks...I need to be able to do things like's very important! ha! Hoping to have a much better end to my week than start! Oh..and wishing my honey ..the best mini vacation ever...He so desrves some time off!!!

ex·haust·ed/igˈzôstid/Adjective1. Drained of one's physical or mental resources; very tired.
2. (of resources or reserves) Completely used up.

Yep, that's me!

Friday, July 1, 2011


So it's Friday again! It seems lately the only blogging I do is Friday Fav's...sorry....just been a little hectic (wedding bells are ringing....and there has been lots to do!!!) I can't believe I'm going to be Logan's wife in 1 month and 1 week! It's the best feeling in the world! Okay, so this week I have 3 favorites!

#1. A Book I just finished : The Help! LOVED THIS BOOK! I honestly couldn't put it down. I found myself laughing out loud at parts and crying during others! And the best news ever is....that it is going to be a movie! I saw the poster for it just the other day at the theater and I'M SO SO EXCITED! It's a great Summer Read and it goes quick!

#2. Tart Deco by Essie (nail color) This has been my signature color this Summer. I wear Greys and Dark Browns (almost black) all Winter on my nails...but in the Summer I love to pull out the Coral tones! (I'm a big fan of Cajun Shrmip and Hot and Spicy ..both OPI's) but Tart Deco has stolen my heart for Summer of 2011! I guess I will have to break up my routine and get a French mani and pedi for the wedding :)

Target, Walgreens and of course Glo all carry this brand!

#3 Summer Corn Dip
This is not just for summer.....but I sure have been craving it! I made some a few weeks ago and Logan and I all but licked the bowl clean! I'm going to maybe make it for the Fourth (along with a Foruth of July cake!)It's very simple!

Summer Corn Dip:
2 cans of mexican corn or fiesta corn (drained well)
1/2 cup of sour cream (you can always add a little more if needed)
1/2 cup of mayo (can always add a little more if needed)
2/4 cup of green onion (I honestly dont measure this...I just chop up a bunch and throw it in.
2 1/2 or 3 cups of sharp cheddar grated
1/2 tsp salt (if needs more add another 1/2 tsp)
1/2 tsp of garlic powder (optional)

Mix all ingedients and chill for about 4 hours ( i ACTUALLY LIKE THE WAY IT TASTE THE NEXT DAY...GIVES The FLAVORS A CHANCE TO MESH)
Serve with the "scoop" Fritos

Enjoy and Have a Happy 4th of July!!! I know we will with a good book, pretty nails and some corn dip ;) (and maybe some sun and the lake and a cookout too)

Friday, June 24, 2011


I have some major favorites this week!!!

First off, I always thought that my skin care products were fine. I thought I loved my moisurizer....boy was I wrong! After reading several blogs that rave about Erno Laszlo... I had to try for myself. I went into Glo one day and asked for samples. I've always had very sensitive skin and I didn't want to spend $90 or more on a product that would irritate my skin or cause it to do something weird. Well, i fell in LOVE and now I don't think there is any going back!

My new favorite moisturizer is : Erno Laszlo Phelityl Cream
My skin has never benn smoother and softer. It smells amazing and I feel so pampered when I get in bed each night. I use it in the morning too...but there is somethign about applying this to clean face and then getting in makeup...It's THE BEST FEELING!!!
I am in the process of trying out their face soaps. I love how clean my skin feels (squeaky)after I use them but not sure which is best for my skin type yet!

Next Favorite:
Origins Peace of Mind: on spot relief!

This is so helps my headaches so much. I pretty much have a headache every other day. Sometimes Migrane, sometimes sinus, somethimes tension...I just never know! I've learne for the most part to just power though and not let effect everyday life...but this little miracle in a bottle is AMAZING! I like to rub it on my temples and on my earlopes and on the back of my neck. It really feels like it massages the headache right out! Only $10 so this one will not break the bank!

Last favorite of the day:
C.O. Bigalow Rose Bud Salve!
This is something I found out about in Instyle Magazine. They were featuring Sarah Jessica Parker: and Items she can't live without. This was on her list! Ususally I look at top celeb picks and they cost about $250-$400 a bottle and I have to just roll my eyes and say "I wish". But not this time. This wonderful stuff only costs $6.00! I use on my lips, on my cuticles, under my eyes...anywhere that needs extra moisture! It is the best chapstick/lipbalm/salve ever!

Okay...I know I said that was the last favorite but here's one more...(It is sooo not healthy)..but I love Kettle Cooked Salt and Vinegar Chips! LOVE LOVE LOVE! I only buy a small bag every 2 months or so.....but when I do ..I savor every bite! usually I eat pretzels or baked chips..but sometimes I have to cheat and have the real deal!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Just felt like writing a bunch of randoms specific topic.

Yesterday was Wednesday and it was really busy. Usually that's the day at work that we get a little peace a quiet....but not yesterday. I have mixed feelings about busy days. On one end, I love them because it makes the day fly by and I really enjoy our customers; however, on the other can make me crazy because there is no time to finish anything...just start a bunch of things that will have to be followed up on later. I like to complete tasks ...not leave them hanging. Yesterday afternoon was so crazy that I thought...if my phone rings one more time ..I may just pull it out of the wall. (I wouldn't really...but the thought crossed my mind :)

I haven't been super hungry at all lately. I think it can be due to one of two things:
#2. God finally answered my prayer of "Please make me not hungry and not like food anymore. (haha)

Either way...NO APPETITE. That is until yesterday. Someone at the office brought in ribs that her husband smoked.....and OMGosh, they were amazing! Some of the best ribs I've ever eaten. Apparently he has a smoker trailer and does this a lot. I'm officailly getting on his list to get my Thanksgiving Turkey smoked...He does this as well...and when I found out about that...I wanted to get signed up immediatly. Thanksgiving Turkey's freak me out...becasue I'm always scared I'm going to mess it up. I joked yesterday with a friend and told her, "I'm not afraid of very many things in the kitchen…..but Thomas THE Turkey is one that I don’t like. I’m always scared to ruin the biggest part of the thanksgiving meal…and you know people talk about your turkey skills (it was too had no flavor…Heck I do…if I don’t’ like it.) Heaven forbid I not cook it all the way or it be frozen still and everyone break a tooth or die of food poisoning." A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders! I may never have to cook a thanksgiving turkey!

After work, I picked Yogi up from the groomer. Logan called and said he had to work late and couldn't get to him in time. I got Logan's truck because there is no way I'd attempt to put Yogi in my car. When I got him he looked so nice and clean. They shaved our Polar Bear for the summer and he looked more like a white lab than a white Golden Retreiver! I walked him out to the truck and all of a sudden remembered that Yogi won't jump in the back ...he will only jump down. Logan always has to lift him up there. I looked at Yogi and then glanced down at myself (wearing a strapless maxi dress, wedges)...and thought well I guess we will just have to do this anyways; despite my attire. So I put his giant feet up on the tailgate and began to try to lift him into the truck. Needless to say it didnt work .I couldnt even get his feet off the ground (HE IS THAT HEAVY..NO LIE) I used all my stength and couldnt do it. I really didn't have a solution except to just keep trying. Finally a lady in the parking lot said she'd help me. She was much more masculine and looked like she could snap me and Yogi in half. She got the job done...and I of course was quite grateful. I can only imagine what her thought was in her head looking at me baby talking this Moose of a dog into the back of the truck. Oh least I'm not still standing there.

We ended the day by going to our friends house for dinner. I was exhausted and it was perfect to just sit a relax. I love going to Mary and James'. Mary won't let you lift a finger and you'll lose an arm if you try to help clean up. She is the sweetest hostess and a wonderful cook. She made the perfect summer meal and we stayed over way to late talking (as always!) I love the sweet friends we have made in NWA. It is such a blessing!

Monday, June 6, 2011


I am getting married in exactly two months! Needless to say marriage...and all that it entails has been on the forefront of my mind lately. I've been digging deeper and deeper for what makes a marriage good. We live in a world that tries to live it up and look great on the outside...when in all honestly the inside is falling apart. We all have done this in different aspects of our lives at one time or another but I am refusing to do this with my marriage. I don't ever want to let it get to a point where we are just "acting". My love for Logan is so strong and everyday it gets stronger. I want to be as in love with him 10 years from now as I am today. (If not more). We have been going to Pre-Marital Counceling at the church and it has been the best process. We love going; we get so much out of it. What I walked away with yesterday was HOW HARD MARRIAGE REALLY IS. None of our sessions are negative..but the pastor is just brutally honest. Marriage is VERY hard work. Lucky for Logan...I will work hard everyday for the rest of my life! (and I know he will do the same,) I started thinking back on the old tradition of the Bride on her wedding day. "Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue."

Each verse refers to a good luck item:

I do not believe in luck, but I do believe in blessings and in God's love and wisdom shown through others. I love this tradition.

Something Old: represents someone before you who had a beautiful marraige (HARD, but Beautiful because of the strength they had a couple to endure, even through the rough times.)

Something New: representing the new, exciting time of your life. The new journey of following your heart and the path God has for you as a couple.

Something Borrowed: Representing the "borrowed" item...but much more than that. It is almost as if you are borrowing from that person...their years of wisdom; Their secret to a good, healthy marriage. I feel that I will be borrowing all my life. I will be seeking out women who love the Lord and who strive to please Him by loving their husband and honoring him by being a godly wife. (This is my favorite verse out of the four....there are so many women who can teach us from their experience...if we just let them. )

Something Blue: Honors the old special and so true.

I am so ready to be Logan's Bride; to walk down that aisle and see only him..waiting for me. I have been in prayer to prepare my heart for the words I will say on that day. I take the vows and the promises so seriosuly ...I want to think about each one of them and how I will honor it in my thoughts, words and actions.

Today the focal point is "Something Borrowed". Feel free to comment, send and e-mail etc. of your marriage advice that you can lend me and let me borrow for my upcoming marraige. I want to know what you've learned. I will write it on my heart and apply it to my role as a wife!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011


I know that we are probably supposed to blog about how pleasant we are or how we don't ever get mad..blah blah blah. Not today. I'm human. I'm mean at times. I can tell it like it is and not bat an eyelash. Is this a flaw? Quite possibly. Am I ashamed of it? Not usually. Is it innappropriate sometimes? Well, yes. Is it necessary at other times? Uh. YEAH. Hence why I don't feel ashamed to defend myself or others for that matter. Some people have never heard the word no in their life; and sometimes they need to. Everyone has always been scared to hurt their feelings or step on some toes...well not this someone.
I've never had a problem saying "NO." Even when I was little. I love to say "Yes"'s fun to say it and I like to make others happy. If you need me..I will be there in a heartbeat. Loving and helping is what I do best. HOWEVER, I learned early on in my life ..that if you spread yourself too thin, let others walk on you, or let people get away with murder....then you'll have an unpleasant life. Who wants that? Things can be prevented (ie. awkward situations, overbooking, stress) by just one simple word: "NO" or if you are feeling nice three simple words: "NO THANK YOU".
I have a guilt complex about a lot of stuff...I say "I'm sorry" more than anyone you'll ever meet...I'll say sorry even if I'm not the one who is wrong. (Harmonizer). I just don't have a guilt complex about N.O. I think that if you enable people to treat you a certain way....nothing will stop them the next time. (If you give a mouse and cookie, he'll want some milk to go with it: if you give a moose a muffin, he'll want some jam to go with it) get my drift! HELLO!! THERE IS A REASON AN AUTHOR WROTE THOSE AS CHILDRENS BOOKS! To teach us at an early not let people take advantage of you, be rude to you, ETC. Give (inconsiderate people) an inch..they'll take a mile. I've learned really quick in my life who I can roll out the welcome mat to and who I need to be cautious around. I have a sweet sweet friend who sometimes gets flustered becasue she say's "Yes" to A LOT OF STUFF. and at the end of the day she is so tired and frazzled. She used to ask me; how do you manage you're time so well....Simple answer; "I learned to say No." Give it as a gift to yourself. Don't overuse it or it will lose it's effect. But DO IT ...PLEASE! It will change your life! :) Happy Friday!

OH and P.S. Friday Favorite:
Wee Brie Cheese (can find it in the gourmet food section). YUMMO! Have eaten it with crackers and grapes ..everyday this week for lunch! My new fav!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Happy Friday! I'm so excited to have a long weekend!

Okay so I'd have to say that my Friday Favorite is a little website called :

I love this place! I could search for hours ...all the while accumulating a list of things to buy!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Other Friday Favorite would have to be a new CD that I own! A little angel left it for me on my desk one day...and to say I listen to it everyday would be an understatment. I listen to it all the time...I think I forgot what real life radio sounds like! Her name is Laura Story and she is a Christian artist. The album is called "Blessings".

Have a Blessed Weekend!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Favorite!

I've thought of doing a weekly friday favorite.....but have never started it because I fear I might only remember to post on Friday's like 4 times in a year. Well this is my first shot at "Friday Favorite" ...we will see how it goes from here!


My favorite thing of this week is the "Skinny Cow" ice cream sandwiches!!!!!
They are so yummy....and low fat!!! (even better).

Let's face's summer...swimsuits season is apon us....I'm a procrasinator...and yeah it's time to high tail it into get skinny mode!!! (Oh and I'm going to be a bride in less than 3's time to focus!)

This slimming treat...will get you through when you need a sweet fix! Sam's Club has a big box of them for like $9.99! I prefer to buy in bulk on things i love....because it prevents another trip to the grocery store (which we all know I just love those...ha...NOT!)

Now yall go get you a box!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Forgiveness. Such a simple word, yet it holds so much meaning. It's also the word that won't leave me alone. I have things in my life...things that eat at me...why? Because in order to be free of those would have to forgive. Harder than it sounds.... trust me. Here is the do you forgive people that have so maliciously hurt you? How do you forgive someone who has no remorse? I can SO forgive someone who comes to me and appogizes..hands down..not hard! But that other scenario.....not so easy. I'm heavy hearted on the subject because guess what?! GOD FORIGVES ME EVERY DAY ...WITHOUT ANY SECOND THOUGHT! A God who I hurt day in and day out by my thoughts, words, lack of time for Him or even just insecurites...yet He forgives ME...and wipes my slate clean...AND HE LOVES ME EVEN MORE EACH TIME!!! Oh how I wish I could apply that to areas of my life..with people that I desperately want to forgive....but for whatever reason...CAN. NOT. So here I sit....the unforgiving soul that I am...hoping and praying that one day I will have the courage to just. let. it. go. And be free. Unforgiveness is like bondage...yet sometimes we just can't let go! Why is that? i wish I knew.
Favorite Quote:
"I've been thinking about what I'd say
to you, should we ever speak again.
I thought of all the mean things that'd
make you feel guilty. You know me.
I take a problem and chew on it until
all the flavor's gone......and then I stick it in my hair."
-Divine Secrets of the Yaya Sisterhood

That's exactly how I feel right now. Yes it's funny....but when you get right down to it...IT'S SO NOT! Someone once told me something about forgiveness...and it made perfect sense. They said: "Everytime you don't forgive and you hold onto your's like letting Satan win that battle. Unforgiveness is not from is not the outcome that He hopes for. Don't let Satan win that battle..give it to the Lord and let Him heal you and allow Him to open your heart to show forgiveness as He as shown us."

Now I'm just searching my soul...talking to God every chance I get ...and surrounding my mind in scripture....praying for that difficult task! There is an upside: YAY! I know we are not called to forget....God does not ask us to be fools...THANKFULLY!!! So now off to work on my heart...and trying to allow forgiveness to take up residence there so that I can try to apply to my specific situations!OH. BOY. CAN'T. WAIT!!!! ; )

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Little Rock Bridal Shower

My first official wedding shower was such a special day! It was in Nancy Puddephatt's home and was just so beautiful and not one detail went undone!
The theme was "Bling"! It was a party full of all things that sparkle and bling! (True "Haleigh" Fashion!) They went all out in girly colors (PINK). Every table was decorated with crystal, pearls, giant diamonds, was so cute!

They served "mocktails" (a fruity fizzy punch) in cute martini glasses with an orange wedge on the side. (how appropriate, since I collect martini glasses). There were mini bottles of water on ice on the kitchen bar and there was a coffee bar set up. Instead of regular white sugar...they set out amber colored sugar gems or crystals! ( to accomodate the bling theme).

The dining room had the most beautiful serving pieces out and the menu was fabulous!
-Salmon Puffs
-Spinach and Turkey Pinwheels
-Caviar served on Potato Chips
Spicy Spinach Dip and Pita
-Vanilla Cupcakes with Vanilla Icing and pink sparkle glitter
-Tuxedo Cake (Debbie Gatewood's masterpiece!)

Even the front door was decorated with white tulle, a giant diamond ring and ribbon. Not to mention the hostesses had a pink boa for me to wear, a real pageant crown (compliments of Cinda Rich) and a ring that lit up! I wore them proudly! The sweet hostesses had decorated a chair for me to look like a throne (White Fabric and Ribbons) and that is where I sat to open all the gifts!
The party favors were hugs and kisses tied in pink tulle and orange ribbon and ring pops! (LOVE THIS!)

What a speacial day...I will NEVER forget!